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Creating a new Shute Fruit and Produce account

* Denotes a required field

Username: *
Password: *

The password will be case sensitive and up to 20 characters long.

Confirm password: *

Allowable characters are 0-9 a-z A-Z ! £ $ % ^ & * , . # @ ~

E-mail address: *
Interests: Fruit       Vegetables
Events    Preserves
Recipes Sunflowers
Other      All areas

The areas you are interested in recieving newsletters about.
Note: by selecting any area of interest you are consenting for
your information to be used for direct marketing purposes by
Shute Fruit and Produce.

First name:
Last name:

Address 1:
Address 2:
Address 3:
Address 4:


Secret question:

Used to supply you with your password should you forget it.

Secret answer:

The answer to your secret question.

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